Communications Team
The Communications Committee is responsible for transmitting information to our members utilizing a variety of sources including this website, newsletters, worksite fliers and leaflets as well as social media. We hope we are achieving these goals and are continuously trying to improve the frequency and methods of the delivery of our important communications.
In 2016 the Lodge ranked 1st place for best layout and design in the 2015 IAM Local Lodge website contest. The award was received by WebSteward Theodore McNeal on behalf of the Lodge during the 2016 Grand Lodge Convention.
Pictured below are the site administrator, WebSteward Teddy McNeal (Left) and Communicator, Raymond Williams (Right).
Lodge Unity And Solidarity
February 1, 2022: Just In – Announcing the results of the IAM Communications Department 2020 Newsletter and Website Newsletter and Website Contest including Social Media platforms.
IAM Journal cartoonist speaks about his profession
Communications – When there’s A Need To Know.
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