Contact Us

IAM Local Lodge 2297 represents federal workers employed by the Department of Defense. The workers we represent are employed by both the Navy/Marine Corps at the Fleet Readiness Center East and the Defense Logistics Agency in Aviation or Distribution support roles. The bulk of the employees work aboard Marine Corp Air Station at Cherry Point. N.C. but a few also work aboard Marine Corp Air Station New River, N.C. and Marine Corp Air Station Beaufort, S.C.

The first contract was entered into by the Parties back in 1968. The last contract, where the Parties engaged in face to face negotiations, was approved after about a year of deliberation in 2011. Our DLA members and bargaining unit employees were originally assigned to the Rework Facility at NADEP Cherry Point, N.C. but have subsequently been reassigned first about the year 2002 to the Fleet Industrial Supply Center out of Jacksonville, Florida and again after the BRAC decisions of 2005 to the Defense Logistics Agency out of Richmond, Virginia. We fought and succeeded in maintaining exclusive representation and negotiated a separate first contract with the Defense Logistics Agency that was effective in June of 2013.


The Union Office is located inside Building 137 near the Eatery.

  • Call 252-464-7427 or 252-464-9434

District Lodge 2020 Zone 110 Business Office

  • Call 252-447-2115 or 252-447-2116

Email – President Rory Brown….(TBD)

Email – Web Steward April Hoffman-

LL2297 Monthly Meeting Location

District Lodge 2020 Zone 110 Business Office

331A West Main Street

Havelock, North Carolina, 28532

To send us written correspondence the mailing address is;

District Lodge 2020 Zone 110

Local Lodge 2297 IAMAW

P.O. Box 716 Havelock, North Carolina, 28532

Zone 110 Staff

  • Email – Zone 110 BR…
  • Email – Office Manager…