Saturday, September 14, 2024

Election And Dues Committees

THE ELECTION COMMITTEE is responsible for making sure that all requirements are met and procedures adhered to in accordance with the Constitution, all IAM published circulars and local lodge bylaws and practices. The Committee is comprised of at least three (3) members but normally the number of members are more.

The Election Committee is responsible for conducting Officer and Delegate/Auditor elections as well as the lodge’s Steward Elections, held on company property. As official union representatives and as union members, we know the values and traditions of democracy that are contained in the IAMAW Constitution.

In addition, we must also know our duties and obligations under the law covering election of union officers as administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Refer to the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA) Title IV – Elections, Section 401. Consistent with our democratic values and DOL directives, it is imperative that we thoroughly understand the local lodge election procedures and requirements to ensure that our elections are conducted in a manner consistent with the IAM Constitution and the applicable law. Under our Constitution and under the law, we are obligated to hold elections for local lodge officers every three years.

We may encounter situations where an election does not take place as a result of the incumbent officers not being challenged. However, we must be prepared to conduct elections when necessary to do so. In conducting Local Lodge elections, it is wise to plan for the election as far in advance as possible.

Critical issues in the planning of elections include the appointment of tellers by the Local Lodge President, deciding how votes are tabulated (if not in Local Lodge bylaws), proofing ballots, printing election materials, mailing notices, absentee ballots, election day, poll location, poll times, posting results, installation of officers, conducting a run-off election if necessary, and retaining all election materials. Most of the tasks/activities noted above have a specific date by which they must be accomplished.

Compliance with required deadlines is critical. Failure to follow the mandated times and procedures for any reason exposes the election to a challenge that could possibly result in a rerun election. Election challenges are investigated by the Grand Lodge.

Election challenges submitted to the Department of Labor (DOL) can result in a re-run election supervised by DOL. As representatives, it is our responsibility to assure that every election is conducted properly so our members may exercise their rights of democracy and avoid the additional costs, resources, delays and uncertainty associated with re-running an election.


THE DUES COMMITTEE is appointed by the Local Lodge President. The committee is populated with members from various trade backgrounds and salary ranges and their job is to make recommendations to the membership as to what the monthly dues for each member will be for the following twelve month period beginning January 1st of each calendar year.

The IAM constitution gives the lodge criteria for the minimum dues amount but the Dues Committee has to consider the financial condition of the lodge and then determine an appropriate amount of resources to flow back into lodge accounts after all per capita is paid to successfully conduct business for that calendar year.

They make such recommendations at the September regularly scheduled monthly meeting and “Notices of Dues Discussions” are publicized to the membership well in advance of such discussions.